“Sharing your gratitude with God”


Episcopalians believe that responsible and disciplined financial stewardship – giving back to God a portion of what God has given you – is part of maintaining one’s spiritual health.

Give with the knowledge that your gift is put to God’s use – in running the parish and in our important ministries.

Thank you in advance for our generosity.

“Share the Gift”

Dear Members and Friends,

The call to stewardship is probably one of the least understood concepts of the church today. Yet, the communication of the stewardship message is vital if the Church is to survive, grow and prosper. And it is a message we are all called upon to deliver. One cannot lead a life of purpose and fulfillment without giving back to God the gifts of time, talent and treasure that make possible our every existence.

Stewardship teaches all that we have and all that we are is a gift from God. We are, therefore, stewards of God’s gifts during our lifetime. As Stewards of God’s kingdom, we are called to act as God’s agents in managing his properties, finances, servants, and resources.

Your 2023 stewardship and contributions to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church were greatly appreciated! God’s stewards have been entrusted with life and life’s resources and given the privilege of responsibility to manage them for him, thank you! “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” Luke 12:48.

Your gifts of time, talent, and treasure are valued by St. Mary’s. Your financial contributions are still needed to continue the programs devoted to spiritual enrichment and outreach.

The theme for this year’s campaign is “Share the Gift”. We ask that each member of the congregation endorses the concept of stewardship as a “faithful response” to carry out the mission of the Church and be cooperative in making this year’s campaign a success.

In support of our long-term strategy of fiscal stability, listed below are a few of our short-term and long –term strategies.

A renewed Spirit

All members of St. Mary’s will be asked to take more of an active role with church attendance and participation. We ask that you serve on committees and get involved in carrying out the mission of the church. We need your talent and leadership skills. We will be calling upon you to volunteer your time.

A Renewed Focus on Giving

A renewed focus on giving to the church in form of time, talent and treasure will be asked of you. Each member will be asked to increase their current monthly giving as God has blessed them.

Membership Development Campaign

Membership development is a key focus for the Church. The members of the church will play a critical role in the success of this program. St. Mary’s realizes that because of the changing demographics, the old ways of increasing membership may not be as effective as in years past. The Vestry remains open to new ideas for membership development. Please continue to invite your friends and family members to attend our services. This is an important plank in our over all growth strategy.

Most critically for our planning process is that we have your personal financial pledge returned to the church’s office by December 31, 2024, this will give us time to complete the budget for 2024. I also ask that you take the time to indicate interest that you may have in contributing your time, talent, and treasure.

May God bless you as you make this commitment to the Church. We need both your financial commitment and cooperation to continue God’s work at St. Mary’s Church.


Brandon Todd
Senior Warden


St. Mary’s is pleased to offer a secure, third-party online payment vendor VANCO to help make regular pledging payments as well as special one-time gifting easier.


Donate via Check: Mail your check made payable to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 728 23rd Street NW, Washington, DC 20037.