“Share the Gift” 2024 Annual Giving Campaign Pledge/Donation Card "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Membership Number (if applicable)Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code PhoneEmail* Please choose ONE of the following three options for the time frame and amount for your pledge:*weekly, monthly or yearlyChoose one Weekly Pledge Monthly Pledge Yearly Pledge I will give this amount per week:Total YEARLY pledgeI will give this amount per month:Total YEARLY pledgeTotal YEARLY Pledge for 2023Please choose how you will submit your pledge: I do not wish to receive pledge envelopes. You will automatically receive envelopes UNLESS you CHECK this box I would like to use eGiving to pay After you submit your form, please visit Online Giving to make your online paymentsNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ